Wednesday, December 31, 2014

ONF congratulates Tula happy new year – TVNZ

Today December 31


– 11 & amp; degC

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In the past year ONF organized and conducted large-scale events, where they discussed many important and topical issues in the social sphere, housing, education and culture

Dear Tula!
All-Russia People’s Front wishes you a Happy New Year!
In 2015, we are also a lot of work. But along with the difficulties, this year will bring us new opportunities for growth and development in the region.
We wish you and all your family good health, prosperity and creative energy. Let the new year come true all your deepest desires, and people close to the heart will always be there. Let the best, always warm words will sound for those who are dear to us, warming hearts in the winter cold and filled with light expectations last moments of the year. Happy New Year!

Back to home

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