Saturday, December 20, 2014

Domracheva won the pursuit race in Slovenia – TVNZ

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Today December 20


4 & amp; degC

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A well-known Belarusian biathlete Darya Domracheva
 Photo: Victor GILITSKY

The athlete showed accurate shooting and fast running

On Saturday, December 20, well-known Belarusian biathlete Darya Domracheva won the pursuit race at a distance of 10 km in Slovenia.

Athlete started sixth and came to the finish line in 29 minutes 55.9 seconds, having made one mistake in the firing line.

The second place went to Kaisa Myakyaryaynen – it was a blunder. A “bronze” won the Ukrainian Valentina Semerenko transmits R-Sport.

Yesterday Russian biathlete Anton Shipulin won the sprint race at the start in Slovenian Pokljuka third World Cup. Athlete showed accurate shooting and fast running. His final result – 23.18,6 could not surpass one.

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