Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Racer “Frormuly-1″ Jules Bianchi derived from the state of artificial coma – TVNZ

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Today November 19


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Zhyulya Bianchi was taken out of the coma was moved to Nice


Athlete transported for treatment at home to France

riders” Marusya “,” Formula 1 “Jules Bianchi was taken out of the state of artificial coma. His condition doctors estimate as critical but stable, so that the athlete was taken to one of the hospitals in Nice (France).

It is learned that the pilot “Marusya” carries breathing unaided. The treatment is currently aimed at improving brain function Bianchi, the BBC reported.

“It was agreed that the state of Jules stable enough to carry him home to France. It was done last night. We are pleased that the following stage treatment Jules pass as possible close to home, and it will be surrounded by his family and friends, “- said in a statement Bianchi family.

French racer” Formula-1 “Jules Bianchi had an accident on October 5 . The incident occurred at the Japanese Grand Prix. He was immediately sent to the hospital. Doctors diagnosed pilot Diffuse axonal injury. Six weeks later his condition is still rated as critical.

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